9am - 12pm, 3pm - 6pm
10am - 1pm
9am - 12pm, 3pm - 6pm
9am - 12pm, 3pm - 6pm
Welcome to Pelletiere Healing Center
If you have pain and are suffering and don’t know where to turn, Pelletiere Healing Center offers a revolutionary gentle technique that will return you to health and will improve your quality of life. Dr Michele’s patients are experiencing extraordinary and unexpected positive results. Symptoms like pain are the body’s way of telling you a change needs to occur. Guided by Dr. Michele, you can learn how to become more aware, improving your overall ability to function. Her multi-faceted approach to your healing incorporates several modalities, with the focus on NetworkSpinal. This is an evidence-based approach to wellness and body awareness, dissipating stress from your spine and nerves. Whether you are suffering from a recent injury, or pain you have been dealing with for a long time, there is hope!
Call today to schedule your appointment (239) 949-1222.