My Technique



NetworkSpinal™ is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness.  This advanced technique, in which Doctors of Chiropractic receive post graduate training and certification, involves light touches to the spine, which train your nervous system to better adapt and recover from stresses by releasing spinal disturbances, therefore improving health.

Symptoms like pain are your body’s way of telling you a change needs to occur. Your pain becomes fuel for you healing, actually helping you become a more authentic you.  Guided by Dr. Michele, you can discover how, by becoming aware of your body, breath, posture and even your thoughts, you can improve your overall functioning.  Awareness of how you use your energy, how and from where you breath, how you move, that you have a spine – leads to an understanding of the choices you can make and the actions you can take to transform your life.

A retrospective study of 2,818 patients in the United States and the world under Network Care reported the following life changes:

Decrease in pain, improved spinal flexibility, more energy, less fatigued, overall health and general well-being, consuming health food and vitamins, increased relaxation, compassion for others, less distress about physical pain, more positive feelings about self and ability to adapt to change.